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Best Breeds for People who work full time: Image
Image by Robina Weermeijer


If you need to work and want a small dog, a chihuahua is a great choice. They’re not massively active and are quite happy to be left at home all day. If you have neighbours in close proximity though they are prone to barking- or ‘yapping’ pretty loudly! The only thing is, as a breed, they are known for being aggressive- although saying that, weighing less than 3 kilos, you’re not exactly going to lose a leg with them!


These little balls of fluff love nothing more than to dose on the sofa all day. Also, although not guaranteed, they aren’t likely to try and tear up your house out of boredom either! They love company as much as they’re happy in their own company, so you can leave them all day knowing that 1) They’re okay in their own company and 2) They’re still going to be super excited to see you when you get home.

Image by Mpho Mojapelo
Image by Dada Mar


If you work full time but want a larger dog, a greyhound is the perfect option. They are renown as been massive couch potatoes, and ironically one of the best dogs for apartment living! A lot of greyhounds are retired racers up for adoption and will already be used to spending large periods of time in a crate- although I don’t recommend leaving one in a crate for long periods of time!


A cousin of the greyhound, whippets are more than happy to take over a comfy chair for the day to sleep. Unlike greyhounds though they aren’t as confident, so if you want a guard dog a whippet is not the one!

Image by Mitchell Orr
Image by Tiago Vasconcelos


One of the more unconventional breeds of dog, Shar Pei’s are a medium sized dog from China. They are considered to be good family pets and guard dogs, they are not the most social dog though so may like to be in a more isolated environment, especially away from other dogs.


A Labrador Poodle cross, Labradoodles are quickly becoming one of the most popular family pets. Both hypoallergenic and a combination of 2 of the most intelligent dog breeds, they are often used as therapy dogs. As much as they can be okay on their own, they do need a minimum of 2 hours exercise a day, so make sure you factor that into your work day!

Image by Seth Weisfeld
Image by Vanessa Serpas


These big, dribbley giants are surprisingly sensitive and very independent. With a natural guarding tendency these dogs will loyally guard your home and keep themselves occupied doing it while you’re at work.


These iconic looking dogs are known for just wanting to do one thing…NAP! They will happily stay calm at home all day while you’re out and make an excellent couch sitter. Oh and they’re also a great family friendly pet.

Image by kyle smith
Image by Moujib Aghrout


Dog or teddy bear? It’s hard to tell with these, I think it’s impossible to not want to cuddle them! Although unfortunately they don’t enjoy cuddles as much as other breeds! Chow Chow’s are quite independent dogs, and as such are happy to spend time alone, in fact, part of owning one is accepting that it needs it’s own space to be alone.


These little legged sausage dog companions are low maintenance in terms of exercise, and as far as dogs go, are okay on their own- just not for extremely long periods of time!

Image by Kevin Jackson
Best Breeds for People who work full time: News Articles
Best Breeds for People who work full time: News Articles


Image by Angelina Litvin


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Image by Michał Jakubowski


Image by Jackson Simmer

A lot of dogs suffer from something called ‘separation anxiety’. Basically, they don’t do well when left alone. This isn’t an ideal quality in a dog for anyone who has to go out to work and can’t arrange a dog sitter or daycare. Don’t despair though, certain breeds are much more independent and tend to be okay to be left alone (obviously every dog is different though- a breed doesn’t come with a guarantee!)

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